Thursday, July 14, 2011

Getting Ready

Considering that I am about to leave in two days, I thought that today I should actually start to physically pack my things so that I'm not scrambling around at the last minute trying to find miscellaneous items. Although I'm only now beginning to pack I have been slowly getting ready over the past few weeks in other ways. For example, I made sure to visit the travel clinic and received all necessary immunizations and some medications that might be useful once I arrive. Also, I spent some time with my friend and her mother who traveled to Peru last summer and was able to gather some helpful tips from them. They were extremely informative and told me about several places to see, types of food to try, and which some things to avoid. In addition, I did some research of my own and noted popular attractions that I can go to during the week in the evening time after I finish working each day.

As I reflect on my preparations I think I am most amazed by how technologically dependent I am. Indeed I find it ironic that I am traveling to Cuzco, a city known for its ancient Inca ruins, yet I am coming equipped with a digital camera, iPhone with translation apps, Kindle for some light reading, and movies to watch on the plane. The amount of cords/chargers/devices that I am bringing is no small matter but I know that I will need and use each and every single one while I am away. In fact, in order to be able to continue blogging while I'm in Cuzco I am depending on having regular access to a computer with an internet connection. Although I don't see myself being chained to the computer and delivering daily updates, I do hope to at least post something every 3-4 days. Still, just to be on the safe side and make sure I don't forget interesting details in between posts I have packed a small journal that I can write in during the day.

I know myself and I know that I like to be prepared. However I also realize that I am going to an unfamiliar place and will be in new situations on a daily basis. My plan is to just roll with the punches and try not to over-think too much so that I can enjoy my trip to the fullest. Safety is of course my top priority, but I also want to make sure that I have a gratifying, fun, and memorable experience.

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