Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Background Story

Wow...I can't believe that next Saturday I will be on my way to Cuzco, Peru! The idea to go to Peru came to me last summer after my friend told me about her trip to Vietnam. She raved about her experience and, being a lover of travel, I decided to look into it for myself. I had heard of several volunteer organizations in the past but being able to listen to her experience firsthand was really convincing and made me research the Global Volunteer Network further. Once I read about their program in Peru I was convinced that it was for me and I made it my goal to earn enough money throughout the school year to be able to go in the summer.

Fast forward one year and here I am, getting ready to leave in just over a week. Although I worked hard to make my Peruvian dream come to fruition, I would not have been able to do it without the support of my family, friends, and community. With the help of a scholarship from my synagogue, Temple Shalom, and an award from the BC Children's Hospital Auxiliary, where I volunteer, I was able to pay for the cost of the program. Also, I managed to raise $1350 in donations to spend on supplies for the clinic that I will be working in once I arrive in Cuzco.

As I start to pack and prepare for my trip I can't help but feel extremely appreciative for all of the support that I have received. I know that there are many people who are proud of what I am about to do and have complimented me on my desire to go and help others. I am thankful for their generosity and encouragement and I hope that this experience turns out to be as great as I imagine it will be.

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