Monday, July 18, 2011

Flights and Arrival

It seems as though its been a while since I traveled internationally from YYR airport because everything is backwards. The order of things used to be customs then security but now its reversed and there is a baggage check at the beginning. Oh well no just meant that I was able to spend an extra 30 seconds saying goodbye to my mom. I was very excited about this trip but once I arrived in San Fransisco it started to hit me how extremely long my day would be.

My flight to Lima was pleasant and it made me realize the difference in experiences when traveling internationally compared to domestic (and US-Canada flights are in the latter category). On domestic flights, the seats are narrow, the entertainment is limited (if at all) and usually not free, and there is a minimal beverage service with an option of buying food...though I wonder if the beverages will continue to be served for free much longer given the state of the economy. However international flights provide meals, vast entertainment, blankets and pillows, and larger seats. Of course I only speak from the experience of three such flights, but I have had wonderful service on each and it made the process of flying such great distances more enjoyable.

Once I arrived in Lima, at about midnight local time, I went through customs and then re-checked my baggage for Cuzco. My next flight was five hours away but unfortunately the domestic security was not due to open for another hour so I had to sit and wait in the food court, which was surprisingly busy given the time, and then I was able to go through security and get to my gate.

My flight to Cuzco, the last leg of my long, long day, took only an hour and I was seated next to a local Peruvian woman who looked to be in her 60s. She spoke only Spanish and I think she was trying to tell me that it was first time flying. My Spanish is a little rusty but judging from the fact that I had to help her put on the seatbelt I think I understood her correctly. Once I arrived I was greated at the airport by representatives from Maximo Nivel...I must admit it's a cool feeling walking out and seeing someone waiting for you holding a sign with your name on it. I was taken to their headquarters, given a brief tour, and then taken to my family house where I immediately went to bed.

Next time: Meeting my family, other volunteers, and the project where I will be working.

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